Date Of Birth: July-20-1942
Date Deceased: July -22-2021
Age at Death: 79
Cause of Death: Heart issues
Classmate City: Ocala
Classmate State: FL
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No
Survived By: Janet Moore
After leaving Miami Senior High, Pat enrolled in Georgia Tech. He graduated with a degree in Engineering.
Pat worked for FPL for many years. After leaving FPL, he worked for a number of Engineering firms from East to West across the USA.
He met his lovely wife Jan in Seattle, WA. They spent 46 years together. Pat and Jan had a beautiful Motor Home and would meet up with other RVers belonging to the RV Club. They spent once a year in Marathon Florida in the keys, and also traveled to Spain for at least a week every year.
There will be no service per his request. Pat Moore was one of my dearest friends. I will miss him tremendously.
Reported by: Marcie Sperber Arrendale